Anonymous Muslim hackers were successful in bringing down almost every Government website of Angola.
The Pre planned operation '#OpAngola' was set for 4th December, today and received fairly good Response from Muslim hackers around the Globe.
The Operation was Planned on the decision of Angola Government to Ban Islam in Angola. more details can be seen here.
Few of the websites were already brought down from few days back since the Announcement of Operation. and today it seems that the operation was successful and Most of the Government website of Angola is down by DDOS attack.
List of websites which were brought down can be seen from the paste provided below:
Most of the servers which are not
protected from any expected DDOS attack have been affected, Only a few
websites with strong Server with DDOS attack protection enabled are up
and running fine.
Sources says Angola Government is under huge panic with the Cyber Attack of such a big scale.
This article is not written by me. its coppied.
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
OpAngola Anonymous Hackers brings down almost every Goverment website of Angola
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